The class has remodeled after a few code reviews from its first draft as in the post on Friday, June 19, 2015. For instance it can read/write 2 different kind of FITS formats:
- FITS binary tables: more convenient for storing and data analysis.
- FITS images: more convenient for the visualization, using for instance DS9.
In addition, the plotting methods have been also simplified to allow a more customizable API for the user. Now only one plot is returned by the methods, and the user can easily combine the plots as desired with only a few lines of code using matplotlib.
A new function has been added to the repository as well for creating dummy background cube models called make_test_bg_cube_model. This function creates a background following a 2D symmetric Gaussian model for the spatial coordinates (X, Y) and a power-law in energy. The Gaussian width varies in energy from sigma/2 to sigma. An option is also available to mask 1/4th of the Gaussian images. This option will be useful in the future, when testing the still-to-come reprojection methods, necessary for applying the background model to the analysis data to subtract the background. Since the models are produced in the detector coordinate system (a.k.a. nominal system), the models need to be projected to sky coordinates (i.e. Galactic, or RA/Dec) in order to apply them to the data.
The work on the CubeBackgroundModel class has also triggered the development of other utility functions, for instance to create WCS coordinate objects for describing detector coordinates in FITS format or a converter of Astropy Table objects to FITS binary table ones.
Moreover, a test file with a dummy background cube produced with the make_test_bg_cube_model tool has been placed in the gammapy-extra repository here for testing the input/output (read/write) methods of the class.
This work has also triggered some discussions about some methods and classes in both the Astropy and Gammapy repositories. As a matter of fact, I am currently solving some of them, especially for the preparation of the release of the Gammapy 0.3 stable version in the coming weeks.
In parallel I am also currently working on a script that should become a command-line program to produce background models using the data of a given gamma-ray astronomy experiment. The script is still on a first draft version, but the idea is to have a program that:
- looks for the data (all observations of a given experiment)
- filters out the observations taken on known sources
- divides the data into groups of similar observation conditions
- creates the background models and stores them to file
- stack events and bin then (fill a histogram)
- apply livetime correction
- apply bin volume correction
- smooth histogram (not yet implemented)
The movie shows a sequence of 4 images (X, Y), one for each energy bin slice of the cube. The image spans 10 deg on each direction, and the energy binning is defined between 0.01 TeV and 100 TeV, equidistant in logarithmic scale. The model is performed for a zenith angle range between 0 deg and 20 deg.
There is still much work to do in order to polish the script and move most of the functionality into Gammapy classes and functions, until the script is only a few high-level calls to the necessary methods in the correct order.
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